181 South Walnut Street, Hagerstown, Maryland
The Joint Veterans Council put in applications for a $40,000 bond to the Maryland Senate and House for the 2018 session to help pay for our Vietnam War Veterans Monument.
We received word on March 28 that we were unable to secure funding.
What this means is that we have to work harder than ever to increase our fundraising efforts to make this dream become a reality.
To date we have received monetary donations amounting to $103,502.60 toward our $150,000 budget.
If you have not already made a contribution to the Monument, PLEASE do so today. If you have made a donation, we THANK YOU for caring about this important monument honoring our Vietnam Veterans.
Please SHARE our Facebook page - Vietnam Monument Hagerstown MD, and our website -
https://www.VietnamMonumentMD.com -
to all of your friends, members of any clubs or organizations you belong to, co-workers, and family.
Don't be a part of those who don't care, of those who would prefer to forget our Vietnam Veterans. Give today.