181 South Walnut Street, Hagerstown, Maryland
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We hope you will enjoy learning more about the Vietnam War Veterans Monument ... from the beginning to the present.
NOTE: Since the inception of the Vietnam War Veterans Monument website, more and more information/photos have been added. To make this site more friendly to repeat viewers, the order of the subpages have been changed so that the most recent is listed first, and the oldest is listed last.
If you are a first time visitor to our site - Welcome.
Please keep in mind that you may want to view the subpages from bottom to top, especially the photos and stories about the monument's progression.
We hope you enjoy your visit and hope, even more, that you get to visit the Vietnam War Veteran's Monument located at 181 South Walnut Street, Hagerstown, Maryland, in person. We always ask people to go see the monument during the day; and then come back again after dark - the Monument takes on an entirely different perspective.
Thank you for stopping by . . .