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181 South Walnut Street, Hagerstown, Maryland
We need to find contact information
for the families of the seventeen men
from Washington County, Maryland
who died in Vietnam
so that we can make them aware of the
dedication date for the Vietnam Monument.
Please contact us if you have current addresses
or phone numbers
for the families of:
Edward Ralph Glenn, Jr.
Douglas Lee Tracey
Kenneth Lamar Deavers, Jr.
Ralph Preston Flint, Jr.
Ronald M. Adams
Harry Lee Watkins, Jr.
Harry Leon Ecton
Jack Allen Beard
John Franklin Hutzell
George Edgar Massie
Nolan Daryl Byrd
Orville Lee Knight
Otto Philip Barnhart
William Lewis McGowan
James Erwin Dodd
Hugh Julius Ronneberg
Ronald Lee Sanbower
Please send information to:
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